A star is falling the teardrop that you held back is flowing here.

I can hear the love poem, they wrote holding their breath. I wish it flies to you and arrives to your place before it's too late. I’ll be there, behind you who walks alone.

Appearance & Personality.

Young-jae is a young man with average height, and his posture is slim-built to keep himself agile during missions.He possesses a pair of purple-colored eyes and mid-length silver hair. He often appears with high collar that covers his mouth to hide the marks on his mouth, though sometimes he would use a mask for alternatives.Young-jae often keeps himself calm and composed in front of his

peers, though his manners is far from being intimidating because of his young age. He speaks necessarily and often comes out with brutal honesty, yet still able to filter what he should and should not say. His facial expression never strays far away from appearing straight, though it is not solemn when he expresses what he feels to others, mostly to his close friends.Despite of all that, he maintains to become friendly to almost everyone while in the same time doing almost nothing to conceal his true identity—which is against The Four Horsemen's rules. However, being able to outsmart most of his colleagues, Young-jae always manages to get himself out of most of his difficult times.

- The meaning of the marks on his mouth is that if someday he would leave the organization, he would have to cut off his tongue as a price. This mark varies for each one.
- He claims to have no sexual preference, though he wouldn't mind hooking up with someone regardless of their gender if that's really necessary.
- He specializes in gathering information. Other than that, he is a trained marksman.
- He keeps himself from getting too attached to someone—nor having someone stick too much with him, thinking that it'll only bring nothing but troubles for both parties.
- He is fond of cold sweet treats, namely ice creams and mochis.
- His record is holding his breath for 25 minutes underwater.
- He works in a local bakery for extra allowance as well as to make it make sense about his incomings since people would surely question how a 20 years old boy is able to rent an apartment by himself.

Twenty years ago on August when a deadly plague befell a remote village, amidst the violent storm, Kim Young-jae's first cry was brought into this world inside of an old, abandoned house that was not even close to a proper place for a human being. Soon after the short-living joyous moment, a man's cry followed. He mourned for the poor woman who sacrificed her life to let their child taste the cruelty of the world.Young-jae's childhood was hell-alike when he was taken into another village for a safer environment. His father was a drunkard bastard who neglected all of his responsibilities, trapped in a perpetual misery after losing his most-cherised woman a couple years ago. There would be days when the poor boy was unable to move after being starved for the whole day, and the kind lady next door would feed and take care of him oh-so lovingly. To Young-jae, she was just as kind as his mother whom he never had the chance to meet. In his eyes, she was an angel with no wings.

His father's behavior grew worse when he entered the most crucial days of his childhood. The old man would not hesitate to leave a bruising hit upon his son's frail body. However, Young-jae did not cry—at least in front of his dad. When he was alone, he would isolate himself in the darkest corner of his room, not allowing anyone to see him in such grieving condition. Soon he learned how to keep those blue marks hidden nicely underneath his clothes.He remembered it very well; he was ten when that day came, when a group of men in black suit suddenly came to grab the young boy. Young-jae ran away, trying to find helps but only the kind lady who tried to protect him as if he was her own flesh and blood. She fought the strangers, and even held a knife bravely. All just to protect a child who was not even hers.But that too did not end well.Young-jae stopped fighting when he witnessed how his guardian angel lost her life. It was a painless death, with a bullet hole printed on her forehead before her warm body met the cold floor. With that, they took the chance to drag the young boy into the car, and even until then, Young-jae didn't catch a glimpse of his old man.Those men claimed to bring no harm for him, promising a bright future where the poor kid would have to worry about nothing anymore. They treated him gently, gave him a set of clean clothes and even fed him delicious foods to win the boy's heart. After all, violence would not work against someone at such a young age. That treatment gave Young-jae a temporary reassurance that he was save although somewhere deep in his heart he longed to meet his father once again.Yet, he should had known better that nobody would offer kindness without having another intention behind their sleeves. They praised him for his obedience when those coated people took him into a strange room where there was only a single chair—which soon he found himself strapped onto.The experience that followed it was beyond horrifying.They branded him, mercilessly on his delicate mouth. It was something alike to a permanent scar that was intentionaly made. They told him the pain would go away soon, but little Young-jae found himself unable to speak for the next three days, let alone to swallow foods. Every night he found himself sleepless with the burning sensation in his mouth, specifically his marked tongue. Ever since that day, he began wearing high collars just to hide the ugly marks on his face.He was fifteen when they started training him physically, as if forcing him to shape a friendly personality in the middle of such stressful facility wasn't enough. It wasn't only a day or two he would find himself beaten up and covered in bruises. But at least he had discovered the bitter truth—that his father sold him to these men. At least, that fact alone was enough to numb his tiny heart a little bit, so he could stop longing for the warm love of a family.But at least, he didn't end up becoming a useless kid in the streets. Despite their rough treatment, Young-jae was told about so many knowledges on all fields, something that even a regular school could not teach him. They shaped him into the perfect tool for their future project, namely The Four Horsemen that would consist of four people of various ages that latter would be assigned into different tasks. Young-jae was the youngest among them, in the same time being the first to be introduced.